Thursday, June 3, 2010

For the First Time

As a First time blogger this is most likely be short and sweet.

I am a 19 year old University Student about to embark on a three week adventure to Belgium, Paris and Rome. This is not the only reason for creating this blog though, I have wanted to start recording my day to day adventures for some time now, with the inspiration from one of my lovely best friends, your very own I have hopped on the band wagon and

here I am, my very first time.

while traveling through Belgium, Paris and Rome I will be training for the Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon (I am only running the half marathon). I recently joined The Running Room's Half-Marathon Clinic, and am presently in the second week of training with them, nothing too strenuous or exhausting yet, 3 or 4 km run's through the week, and long run's on Sunday, this week being 7km, the same as last week.

While in Europe I will be missing three full weeks of training with the group

and I must mimic what the group runs, and trains each and everyday, this is my biggest fear about the training, as well as the entire trip to Europe. Being in a new place is already difficult enough, but now I have to orient myself quickly enough and well enough so that I am able to find and remember routes that I can run.

My first, and longest stop on the trip is in Belgium, Leuven to be more exact,

and I will be there for just about 15 days taking a school related course. Although it will originally be brand new territory for me I will have a full 2 weeks to associate myself with the surroundings and therefore the routes I will be running will begin to look familiar and feel routine. When I leave Belgium I am off to Paris,but only for 3 days. This is my second concern, it is the shortest length of time, and the hotel does not have a fitness centre facility, so I guess i'll be running with my map in hand! Last but most certainly not least is the stop in Rome, where I will spend 4 days, and that will allow for the extra day to get acquainted with the area, although it will still be difficult to gain the amount of familiarity that is needed in order to run the distance at an appropriate training speed.

Although it will be difficult to find the right routes to run, with the proper

amount of kilometres, hills, areas for tempo running as well as steady running it will most certainly be fun and interesting. One of the major benefits of doing the training in unfamiliar territory is that there will never be a dull or boring run, everyday I will embark on a new adventure with new sites and new stories to tell.

Another huge perk about the completing the training while I am away will be

the transformation that my body makes due to the increasing level of activity. The changes that it will make on me are something that would normally go unnoticed but due to the fact that the time that I am away my normal "crowd" wont be seeing me on a day to day basis there should be a "wow" factor when I get home.

I hope to be able to come back to Canada with many things, new learnt

knowledge about the European Union and Human Right, A series of stories to tell about each and everyone of the sites visited, enough pictures to last me years, an array of running routes to add to my map my run account, some new friends, a new wardrobe of the styles for the fall, and best of all the size 2 (fingers crossed) body that will be wearing those styles.

With all of that being said get ready for ride, planning, packing, booking, planes, trains, and all the in between, Dangerous Transformations have already begun.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo!
    I will definitely check this every day that you are gone, in hopes of somewhat living the European dream (through your blog!).

    Don't get too distracted on your runs by the (many I am sure) cute european boys.

    Make it your mission to learn some lingo to grab some phone numbers along the way. (jot them down on your map maybe?)

    Ohhh, and with a blackberry in hand, Im sure you can take some motion snapshots of the glorious scenes you will be running through.

    I'll continue my jogging, in boring plain old Newcastle... nothing compared to Belgium, France and Rome. pppppfffffttt

    Love you
