Saturday, June 5, 2010

True Success

Last night turned out to be quite the night...

It all started with vodka infused slurpees, a torrential rain storm, Prince Harry getting in a minor yet possibly deadly accident, the steps to keeping him alive, some chugging, travelling bar to bar, poutine, homeless people in the bandstand, panic attacks, self timers, station park hotel and finally 3 in the bed...

Three girls, dressed and ready to go... self timer is always a must on nights out, as well as the stunning outfits the make the night, on myself, white see through top (winners) blue skirt (Aritzia), on Katie, Black ruffle front top (Costa Blanca) Jeans (Moto), on Janey Pink tank (Urban Outfitters) Black Skirt (Forever 21).
Prince Harry being held by Janey after he was put in his bath of rice... in 72 hours we'll find out what his situation is...
A night trip to Metro for 2, 8kg bags of rice for poor Prince Harry who wanted to try our vodka infused sluepees...not a good idea on his part, nor was walking into Metro ready to go out on the town. Upon walking in Janey ran to the back of the store after every person in line laughed out loud at us, and Katie's exact words to the cashier upon paying for our rice and 4 bottles of powerade (in preperation for the morning) "now we're ready to open our chinese restaurant".

Finally, after the Poutine and Panic attacks in Band Stand the self timer started again, which we would have thoought was the end of the night, although walking down Richmond the three of us decided heading to Station Park Hotel with our new found friends would be a great idea...After riding the elevator with 10 baseball players and 1 security guard, being given a firm talking by the security guard and drinking in the hotel room we headed home for the night, pjs and a double bed with the 3 of us, what a great way to end the night...

This morning we were incredibly grateful to have prepped our powerade last night, and a breakfast of the champions hit the spot, pancakes, eggs, homefries and bacon, all home made. To say the least today was a write off on the training, as well as the essay writing, although Katie worked all day from 10 to 5 and Janey is at work as I write this, so really it was just unproductive for myself, eating an abundance of food, drinking liters upon liters of water, watching some movies, and napping for 3 hours brings me to 6:42pm, about to go pick Katie up for some shopping, and Ice Cream followed by another possible night at Station Park Hotel ? who knows where the evening will take us, but what I do know is that tomorrow morning, 8:30 am The Running Room will be waiting for me and 7kms will be a great start to the day.

Once again the count down continues we're at the one week mark until departure, and proud to say it, last night while deciding what to wear I stumbled upon some perfect Belgium outfits, mission accomplished...

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